James Millward
I am currently in the process of transitioning to retirement, currently working 3 days a week. My wife and I moved to Phillip Island in December 2021. Originally from Northampton in the UK, I have been a keen amateur photographer since I was given an Olympus 35mm SLR Camera OM10 camera for my 18th Birthday. It’s only since I’ve been in Australia (16 Years) and got my first digital camera, that I feel my photography has really improved. Most of that I put down to joining the local camera club (Berwick Viewfinders Camera Club which really helped with my confidence). I don’t have a specific genre that I take images of as my taste is quite eclectic, mainly taking images that are pleasing to me .
I have always been into model planes, from plastic models, through to building and flying radio control planes and as such do have an affinity to anything that flies. I also love a good car show and motor racing.
So over the years I have dabbled in most subject matters from still life, landscapes, nature, seascapes, macro and just recently astrophotography. The old adage jack of all trades, master of none, about sums up my photography.